Pierre Ysewijn
Pierre Ysewijn
Pierre Ysewijn
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Educational Presentations : The Barnum EffectEducational Presentations : The Barnum EffectEducational Presentations : The Barnum Effect
A Test
A Circus Yes, the Barnum effect has much to do with Phineas Taylor Barnum, the showman and founder of what became eventually the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus

But before telling you what the Barnum effect is all about, let's do a quick test (less than 5 minutes) that will allow you to get a better insight in who you really are and how you function. For this test, I need some information about you. I guarantee absolute confidentiality: none of these data will be kept on file or distributed by any means whatsoever).

Are you
 male  female
Do you feel
 young  old
Do you prefer
 coffee  tea
Do you take it
 with milk  without milk
Do you take it
 with sugar  without sugar
Please, fill in the appropriate answers on the panel below,
then click the Continue button.

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