Before showing you this introduction to Computer Assisted Instruction, a few words of warning:
- I have used this presentation on different occasions as a support for lectures. The only aim is to be a support for a course, commented by a lecturer while being projected on a large screen by a video beamer or an LCD panel put on an overhead projector.
- The first versions of this presentation are rather old (1987 - 1988). They were originally made with Matrix Layout, a now defunct visual programming tool and code generator that offered powerful windowing possibilities but that was not supported by the best marketing techniques.
- Although this presentation is already old in terms of Internet-life, most of it still stands and can be used in the context of more recent developments such as e-learning.
- To assure readability in large auditoria or under unfavourable lighting conditions, this presentation never has been developed for high resolution screens. The latest version is limited to an 800 x 600 screen and intended to be viewed without menu bars, browser icons and other window stuff. This is the reason why this demonstration will be shown in an independent 800 x 600 window.
- As it was made to be used only by the lecturer, navigation needs some explanations:
- on the left of the screen, a series of buttons allow to navigate between the different chapters, with the current chapter in a slightly different colour;
- at the forelast position of this column of buttons, a Stop sign closes the presentation;
- two arrow buttons, allowing to move forwards and backwards through the different screens of the presentation share the bottom position of this column.
Take a look ...
and enjoy !