The Cat's Dream A small "Spielerei", with no other pretentions but to divert you for a moment. |
A Summer Storm Just an impression ... |
A Fireplace As winter has been rather cold, lighting a fire did not seem to bad an idea. |
About Time My father's old watch inspired me to take a closer look at time. |
Introduction to Computer Assisted Instruction A Computer Assisted Presentation, that I have used for several years as a visual support for lectures. |
Elements of Methodology of CAI Development A second Computer Assisted Presentation, that I have used for several years as a visual support for lectures. |
The 3 Doors Problem To change your choice or not to change your choice, that's the probability question. |
The Barnum Effect How to learn more about yourself in less than 5 minutes. |
The Game of Life A simulation of Conway's famous mathematical game, that could well awake your intrest for cellular automata. Loading this demonstration could take a bit more time. |
WireWorld Another cellular automata, specially conceived to simulate electronical and logicial circuits. Loading this demonstration could take a bit more time. |
Langton's Ant A simulation of a very simple cellular automata, that gave birth to a whole new field of scientific research : Artificial Life. |
Connect Connect 9 points with 4 lines. |
Digital Deletions The very first interactive version of this game to appear on the Internet. |
A Poetry Machine Playing with language |
GT. Software for Generalizability Studies If you want to see something more serious, you can download and install this statistical package. |